Sunday, March 13, 2022

Life's Curve Balls


On My Mind:

Oxford defines a curve ball as, “a pitch thrown with a strong downward spin, causing the ball to drop suddenly and veer to the side as it approaches home plate.”

Life’s Curve Balls felt like the best title for today’s post, not only because it’s softball season (Roll Tide!), but also because it is what 2022 has felt like so far; life throwing me curve balls. I like to plan in advance. So, when something unexpected happens, I struggle to adapt.  Often, I become stressed, overwhelmed, and fail to remember that God is in control. He is not shocked by life’s surprises and can use every situation for His glory. Some unexpected circumstances may even be blessings in disguise; opportunities to grow closer to God. I pray God will help me view future difficult situations through His lens and trust Him more.

To calm my frantic spiral, God uses His Word, Christian music, and other believers to remind me of His truth and quiet my soul. How do you react to unforeseen changes? Are you able to go with the flow, left reeling, or somewhere in between?

On My Shelf:

I will share ratings and reviews for my January and February reads in a future post but want to use this section to highlight what I am currently reading and my March TBR.

Current Reads-

Although most of my book list consists of historical fiction, I have been drawn more to romantic comedies recently. Because life has been so heavy, I prefer lighter reads at the moment. Sometimes I can read multiple books at one time quickly. But that has not been the case this year. 2022 has been a slow start for me. The two books I am reading now are books I began in February.

Better Than the Movies by Lynn Painter. This YA book was suggested to me by my sister who found it at our local library. This story has been fun and I love the couple’s connection. Content Warning: There is strong language throughout which really took away from the storyline to me. The book would be so much better without the garbage language. 282 pages (79%) in. Good Reads

The Bridge by Jill Cox. So far, I have enjoyed this sweet rom-com. I am only 62 pages (21%) in. Good Reads

Wish Upon A Streaming Star by Krissi Dallas. This story is available exclusively on Kindle Vella; a platform I was new to until I discovered this author (Thank you Jill Cox for sharing!) Krissi has become one of my new favorite authors and Wish Upon A Streaming Star is my favorite story I have read by her so far. (I also recommend checking out her teen, spy thriller Icarus Flight School. The complete story is available now on Kindle Vella.) Amazon

Wish Upon A Streaming Star is a clean YA rom-com that follows the story of Daisy and Caz. These two are adorably perfect together, even if they have not realized this truth themselves yet. The story has been filled with twists and turns, laugh-out-loud moments, and more than a few swoon-worthy scenes. All the characters, including the supporting cast, are a joy to read about. I am currently caught up on all available episodes (29) and, although I do not want the story to be over, I cannot wait to see how it ends!

To Be Read (TBR)-

At the beginning of March, I created the following TBR wish list for the month. When I made the list, I was hopeful I would complete most of the titles listed. But because I have not had as much dedicated reading time, I may not make as much progress as I hoped. (Follow the links to learn more about each book.)

Review Books-

Before the Fortress Falls by A. L. Sowards Good Reads

The Wonderland Trials by Sara Ella Good Reads

Book Club-

A Heart Adrift by Laura Frantz Good Reads

Kindle Unlimited-

Windchaser by Krissi Dallas Good Reads

TBR Kindle Shelf-

                The Promised Prince by Kortney Keisel Good Reads

TBR Bookshelf-

                Colors of Truth by Tamera Alexander Good Reads

Library Book-

                The Lady in Residence by Allison Pittman Good Reads


Mystery of the Flying Express Hardy Boys Book #20: by Franklin W. Dixon Good Reads

Keeper of the Lost Cities Book #1 by Shannon Messenger (Rereading the series in preparation for the release of Book 9 releasing this November.) Good Reads

Hallmark/Love Inspired-Alternate

                The Secret Ingredient by Nancy Naigle Good Reads

                Blessings by Lois Richer Good Reads

Whew! That is a lot. Reading back over it, I am not sure what I was thinking when I made the list. Whatever I do not finish this month, I plan to roll over to April. What books do you hope to read in March?

Writing Updates-

I am currently working on the first draft of a teen/YA story. The working title is The Messengers and it is the first of a Christian mystery series. Just like my reading, writing has been slow going. But a little progress is better than none! My goal is to have the first draft completed by the end of May 2022 with an independent release date in May of 2023. Current word count is at 3,832! You can read the synopsis below.


 “A threefold cord is not quickly broken.” Ecclesiastes 4:12 KJV

Fifteen-year-old triplets Trinity, Harmony, and Gabriel Messenger are spending their first summer at Camp Eden. When they are issued the challenge to use their God-given gifts for Him, they must choose whether to surrender to God's plan or their own. In order to survive a dangerous mystery, the siblings must learn to rely on new friends, each other, and God. 

Wrap Up:

Although I had hoped to share my first blog post of the year the first week of March, life had other plans. Whatever the reason, I am glad to have the opportunity to write what has been on my heart and mind for the past few weeks; even if it is halfway through the month. I am really excited for the list of ideas I have for future posts and hope to share more consistently. Thanks for reading along.


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